Download Windows 8.ISO Final

by Pandu Group , at 9:01:00 PM , have 22 komentar
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Download Windows 8.ISO Final
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Download Windows 8.ISO Final
Download Windows 8.ISO Final - written by Pandu Group , published at 9:01:00 PM, categorized as Download , Software . And have 22 komentar
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22 komentar Add a comment
ini yg 32 bit apa yang 64 bit gan ?
Relply to ALL, termasuk yang komen di bawah :D
Windows 8 All In One Dapat dari, posting bulan desember 2012 kemaren. link-nya work gan klik. kalo bohong boleh caci maki saya diblog saya iDc Komputechno Piss!! :D
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link server-01 is down...
link server-02 is ACTIVE
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kalian ini katrok semua.... sekarang jmanya udah pake windows 8 enterprice N. anda mau dapat windows 8 all in one/16 jadi 1(build 9200) + win8 loader byDAZ and MS office pro plus final full aktivated.. hubungi atau
harga Rp. 300.000,00.. bisa nego...
Aby Seiswanto
iand ileven, lu kalo nggak ngerti seputar IT nggak usah ngemeng2 sotoy lah... ngetik enterpise aja salah ditambah lagi pake "N". Lu tau nggak maksud "N" itu apa? tanya mbah google sono.. biar pinteran dikit... yang pasti klo ada N & KN nggak ada WMP nya. jangan cuma untung doang yang lu pikirin, lagian mana mao orang beli software ama orang GapTek kaya Lu..
Aaaaah ngapain gw ngeluarin duit 300rb.... lu juga dapetin tuh win 8 hasil juga bisa nyari sendiri... download gratis tanpa keluar duit 300rb... kacrut lo
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iand ileven : lu yang norak!
ujung"nya usaha..
ke glidok aja sono..
laku baru tu barang rongsok lu
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betul kang... iand ileven katrok, ndeso. kalo ada yang gratis ngapain beli. muke gile loo ileven, kau jual aja software mu ke afrika sana... hahaha
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jangan tengkar dulu boss...linknya dah pada mati smua tuh..dah di blok ma ni??
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ni om link windows_8_enterprise_x86_dvd_917587.iso klik kotak yg pertama om di jamin 100 persen...yg 32 bit

yg 64 bit

passwod: win8-neeko

MAkasih yah lnknya masih bagus....aku lgi download ni.....than's 1X again......
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permanen kan mas ?
serial nya udah ada di sana blom ?
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kalian semua bodoh!!!!!!!! mending beli yg asli dari microsoft!!!!! terjamin!!!!!!!! dasar kalian kere!!!!!!!!
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Kamu lebih GOBLOK Tetap jagalah budaya Indonesia. budaya MEMBAJAK huahahahaha
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kamu lagi lebih goblok.............
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kalok ada yg gratis ngapain beli betul gak mas bro
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ini om yg 8.1 langsung key nya pilih aja mana mau...

yg RTM9200 all in yg pos kemarin
Windows 8 AIO 16-in-1 (Final Build 9200) + Permanent Activator

This is Windows 8 Final (Build 9200), It has all the versions of Windows 8 to choose and install
x86 (32-bit)
Windows 8 x86
Windows 8 N x86
Windows 8 Pro x86
Windows 8 Pro VL x86
Windows 8 Pro N x86
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center x86
Windows 8 Enterprise x86
Windows 8 Enterprise N x86
x64 (64-bit)
Windows 8 x64
Windows 8 N x64
Windows 8 Pro x64
Windows 8 Pro VL x64
Windows 8 Pro N x64
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center x64
Windows 8 Enterprise x64
Windows 8 Enterprise N x64
I have included all the screenshots (Proofs in Bonus Folder, Please have a look)
This copy of Windows is untouched ?
NO, This is a modified copy.
Modifications are done to enable all the versions of Windows 8
Does activator included ? Tested and working ?
YES, Activator included
I have personally tested this activator by installing W8 Pro media center edition (On VMware)
Tested and working 100%
Watch the video tutorial included (For better understanding)
Activator, Activated windows Permanently, BUT UNABLE to access PERSONALISE settings
This is a known issue, If the activator failed to enable access PERSONALISE settings
run FIX (FIX_P8.25.exe) given in [Permanent Activator] folder
Watch the video tutorial included (For better understanding)
Will I get Media Player by default, if I install this copy ?
YES, it depends on the version which you have choosen
If you want media player by default, choose on of the following version
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center x86
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center x64
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yg butuh OS atau sofware yg susah cari lnk nya tinggal kan pesan di inbox FB jamin langsung di kasi....taik unta tumpuk tumpuk nama fb dan boleh sms k 08127796587 mumpung saya ngk bayar sppedy...
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