Cheat Point Blank 05 Januari 2011 PKL_Injection V 5.1

by Blog aan , at 9:30:00 PM , have 0 komentar
Cheat Point Blank 05 Januari 2011 PKL_Injection V 5.1

` Buka PB Launcher
` Buka PKL_Injection V 5.1
` Start PB nya

Hack Wallshot + Spion + Hack Title :

* Hack title + grade + name = F1
* spion = F6
* wallshot On = Home
* Wallshot Off = End

Hack Char:

- baret SG + def++ = Numpad 1
- baret awp + def++ = Numpad 2
- baret assault + def++= Numpad 3
- baret smg + def++ = Numpad 4
- baret hitam + def++ = Numpad 5
- Topeng = Numpad 6 - 0

Hack karakter :

> D-FOX = F9 <- char cwo
> VIPER = F10 <- char cwe

* CT
> LEOPARD = F11 <- Char cwo
> HIDE = F12 <- Char cwe


Cara Wallshot :
`Masuk Room
`Tekan Home
`Saat Loading Map/Loading Screen Langsung tekan End
`Timing harus tepat karena kalau tidak akan menimbulkan BT

credit : andriepekalongancheater

Download Cheat Point Blank 05 Januari 2011 PKL_Injection V 5.1 dibawah :

Seperti Biasa, Kalo cheat nya gg work Berarti agan harus instal dulu VCredict_x86

Cheat Point Blank 05 Januari 2011 PKL_Injection V 5.1
Cheat Point Blank 05 Januari 2011 PKL_Injection V 5.1 - written by Blog aan , published at 9:30:00 PM, categorized as Cheat PB . And have 0 komentar
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